New Hobby Lobby Spring Decor & How to Style It

Today, we are headed to Hobby Lobby looking for spring home decor. Hobby Lobby can be overwhelming with a maze of home decor, from florals to artwork to seasonal items. I hope today to take the guesswork out of what you should and shouldn't consider buying to create a high-end look for less this spring.

I am going to share some decorating and design principles to help guide you along the way to curate your own unique and beautiful home. The element of texture is huge right now, and you can see that with all of the offerings that I'm going to show you here.

1. Creating Texture with Wicker & Rattan

The first texture is wicker and rattan. Texture is where the visual sense meets the sense of touch, a huge element in interior design. Mixing textures like wicker and rattan with color and pattern creates a unique and distinctive space that can be warm and welcoming.

2. Wood Home Décor to Create Texture

Wood home accents and décor pieces are another way to add texture to your home. Incorporating different textures, color hues, and tones into your space is a compelling way to add depth and visual interest to your home, making it unique and special to you. There are so many different wooden bowls available at Hobby Lobby.

3. Texture through Textiles

I also like to use a lot of textiles, like throw blankets and pillows. This is a great way to add that texture variation to your home. I would go with the pattern and stay away from these solids. While I have a lot of solid throws, patterns are becoming increasingly popular.

The chenille throws, definitely stay away from those. Those are a little tired and worn out, and that fringe gets matted. Instead, opt for these throws that have a texture to them. They have these earthy, moody colors. I love these gauze throw blankets for the spring and summer if you don't want something as heavy as those other throws. They have a good texture and will add character to your space.

Accent and throw pillows are another way to add that texture through textiles into your home.

When shopping for new pillows, look for ones with a zipper so you can replace the cover and reuse the insert.

4. Planters, Vases & Vessels = Texture

Hobby Lobby puts out a lot of planters this time of year in their spring department. Planters, vases, and vessels are a great way to add that texture and detail of that element into your home, starting at your front porch as you enter and throughout your space inside. The right planter can give your faux trees a high-end look. Hobby Lobby offers endless styles, textures, colors, and shapes.

You can use these to make floral arrangements, but you are also finding it more and more popular to style these vases, jugs, and vessels beside each other, grouping different sizes, textures, colors, and shapes on a shelf, so if you don't like a lot of florals in your home, you can still use these items to bring in that element of texture.

5. Element of Color in Home Decorating

The element of color in interior decorating sets the mood for your entire home. While paint color and large-scale furniture items have the most impact, your small home decor pieces can also influence the element of color in and around your home. It's also the easiest and most economical thing to change. You can influence these changes of color throughout your home with artwork.

6. Landscape Artwork

Let's talk about landscape artwork first. This is a great way to bring the element of nature outside into your home.

You can get a variety of colors in a landscape. You can get a very muted, subtle illusion of a landscape, or you can get very harsh, defined, and more picturesque artwork. It depends on your style and what you like.

There are a lot of featured landscapes at Hobby Lobby with countrysides, but you're starting to see more and more of those beachy, nautical scenes. A lot of high-end designs use landscape. It is a way to create a luxurious and well-defined space through color and texture.

7. Word Up or Word Out

This may be controversial, and I'm going to say it anyway, but signs and pictures with wording are on the way out. I'm sorry if that is your love language. Do it anyway, but signs with words are not the way to create a high-end, luxurious home.

8. Blooming with Color: Floral Print Artwork

Like landscape artwork, florals are another good pick for home decorating any time of year, especially for spring. You can see just how different the selection of your artwork can make your home feel in terms of color and mood.

9. Fruit Artwork

High-end designers and home decor websites sell a lot of fruit portraits. This is another option if you don't care for flowers or landscapes. A lot of color can be added to these Hobby Lobby fruit pictures.

10. Textile Artwork

These spring tapestry prints are another excellent way to add color, texture, and pattern to your wall art. I have seen artwork made with fabric that looks high-end but is still at a reasonable price point. This is a great option here at Hobby Lobby.

11. Element of Light in Home Decorating

The element of light in home decor and interior decorating is so important. Three different types of lighting are considered in interior design. Ambient light is the general illumination surrounding the environment. You have your task lighting, like a desk lamp or lighting under your kitchen cabinets where you're working.

Then you have an accent light. This would be considered like a light bar above your pictures, over your mantel, and can lights that spotlight a certain area in your home. All of these play together with natural light, which you also want to consider.

There are so many lighting options at Hobby Lobby. They carry primarily lamps in a variety of styles and options.

12. Spring Floor Lamps

Floor lamps are a great choice if you have limited space on your table or want to add that task lighting to a reading chair or at the end of your sofa. It does not take up a lot of space, and you can direct the light exactly where you want it.

Floor lamps, and lamps in general, can get expensive, but the right lamp in your space can create that luxurious, high-end look. Here at Hobby Lobby, with our spring décor, we can do it for less.

Spring decor at Hobby Lobby

What spring home decor elements will you be adding to your home? What are your favorite Hobby Lobby pieces? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

I am linking what I can from Hobby Lobby. For everything else, please check in-store. Hobby Lobby links are not affiliated:

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  • Connie Schanzenbaker Connie Schanzenbaker on Mar 23, 2024
    I don't live anywhere a Hobby Lobby store exists so I am shopping at the website. I just bought a home in the small town where I have been a renter for 15 years. It is really fun to decorate your own home! Favorite color is green. Living room got painted white in all areas, on purpose, to help keep the room light and bright. I am starting to use some green things to add to the white room, sage green curtains, chair covers, sofa throw. I will be stenciling some green ivy onto a white floor lampshade. I found a fancy green door mat at Hobby Lobby for $7.19 and I love it! To keep it clean I sprayed the fabric side with ScotchGuard to help keep it new. Connie
    • Lesa | Uniquely Lesa Lesa | Uniquely Lesa on Apr 05, 2024
      Hi there! I love all these things you've done. It sound absolutely beautiful. I love green in home decor! There is really a lot that you can do to make your home feel warm, inviting and beautiful all while still being livable and comfortable. Thank you for sharing your tips and ideas with us. XO