5 Living Room Design Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Let's talk about some common living room design mistakes people make when designing their living rooms. As someone who loves designing living rooms, I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. I’m also going to go over how to fix these common mistakes.

1. Furniture against the walls

First off, a big mistake is shoving all your furniture against the walls. Sure, it might make the room seem bigger, but it kills the cozy vibe and makes it hard for people to chat comfortably. Instead, try arranging your furniture around a focal point, like a fireplace or a TV.

This creates a cozy gathering spot and makes the room feel more inviting.

2. Not using a rug

Another mistake is not using a rug to anchor your furniture. Rugs are great for defining spaces, especially in open-concept rooms where things can feel a bit undefined.

Just make sure your rug is big enough to fit all the front feet of your furniture on it.

This helps tie everything together and makes the room feel more cohesive.

3. Improper coffee table sizes

When it comes to coffee tables, size matters.

Your coffee table should be about two-thirds the width of your sofa, and it should be a bit lower than your seat.

If you have a sectional, a round or square coffee table usually works best. And if your coffee table is too small, consider adding some poufs. They're versatile and can be used as extra seating or as a place to put your feet up.

4. Not enough surface space

Another important thing to consider is having surfaces for everyone. Nobody wants to balance their drink or book on their lap, so make sure every seat has access to a side or cocktail table.

This makes the room more functional and ensures that everyone can relax without worrying about where to put their stuff.

5. Limited lighting

Lastly, don't rely solely on overhead lighting.

Adding a few different light sources can really enhance the ambiance of the room and make it feel cozier.

Consider using smart light bulbs or putting everything on a dimmer so you can adjust the lighting to suit your mood.

Living room design mistakes

By avoiding these common living room design mistakes and following these simple tips, you can create a living room that's both stylish and functional. Do you have other tips that worked for you in your living room? Share them in the comments below.

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